Need more information?
Phone 5222 8533
Phone 5222 8533
We regret to advise that GAPA will not be offering Musical Theatre classes in Torquay during 2019.
GAPA’s Musical Theatre course caters for children aged from 5yrs through to 16yrs.
Classes combine DRAMA with DANCE & SINGING
and are dedicated to helping young minds and bodies grow.
Learning at GAPA is educational, rewarding, and most of all FUN!
Our Geelong studios are located at level 1/37 Gheringhap Street.
Check our Dance & Musical Theatre pages for further details on classes.
Should you have any queries or would like to inspect GAPA’s studios and theatre
call Michael Ward on 5222 8533 or send email to
Enrolments for 2019 are now open, see prospectus below.